Graduated at Charles University, Prague, in 1984, and received Ph.D. degree from Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences in 1991. He conducted postdoctoral research at the University of Colorado at Boulder with Prof. Josef Michl (1993) and at the University Claude Bernard in Lyon with Prof. Henri Mongeot (1994-1995); collaborated with Prof. Francesc Teixidor at the ICMAB-CSIC Barcelona as visiting research fellow (1998).
He has been basically employed at the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, CAS since 1991; in 2003 he promoted to Senior Research Scientist, leader of Boron Group, and since 2010 continues as head of the Department of Syntheses.
Research interests include synthetic chemistry of carboranes and metallacarboranes with focus on stereochemistry of substitution and chiral species and drug design.
Co-organized Euroboron 3 in Průhonice, Czech Republic (2003) and organized of IMEBORON XV in Prague (2014). He was awarded by the Prize of the Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic in 2006.